Not in our name: House of Commons Meeting

Resisting Hindutva, Defending Justice & Human Rightsmeeting yesterday at the House of Commons organised by Awaaz Human Rights Defenders Network heard powerful contributions from the panel to a packed room!

From left to right: Speakers include: Suresh Grover, Director, The Monitoring Group, Pragna Patel, Director, Southall Black Sisters, Professor Gautam Appa, Academic and Human Rights activist, Vrinda Grover, Lawyer, Researcher and Human Rights activist, Sir Anish Kapoor, CBE RA SculptorChetan Bhatt, Director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights at the London School of Economics, Mike Wood MP and Baroness Helena Kennedy, QC FRSA Barrister, human rights defender and peer

Further Reading:

Not in our name

UK Modi supporters attempt to silence free speech after Parliament meeting

Campaign against Narendra Modi and Hindutva politics

Narendra Modi Exposed Report

Bring Modi to justice, urges meeting hosted at UK Parliament

Campaign against Narendra Modi and Hindutva politics

Narendra Modi & the rise of “Hindu Fascism”

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